The elegant moon goddess,  dances and hangs from the moon in a custom Lyra.


The goddess of dawn, dances in a color-changing dress, summoning the sunrise.


The cheerful sun god draws the sun across the sky with radiating sparks.

Launching August 31 in Carmel IN

We proudly present "EOS: The First Dawn,"  a projection-mapped art installation created by Blockhouse Studios. The twelve  minute experience at the Palladium at Carter Green immerses the audience in  the ancient mythology of Eos, the Greek goddess of the dawn who summons  the sunrise in her enchanted gown; and her two siblings Helios, the joyous sun  god, and Selene, goddess of the moon. Breathtaking colors trace the building,  transforming it with dream-like projections.

The installation explores  astrological concepts and elemental themes of nature through innovative  storytelling. Just as the performing arts center is a place for art, dance, music,  theater, and culture, this site-specific art experience reflects and enhances both  the building's purpose of celebrating the performing arts, as well as its Neo Classical design. In between shows, the building is illuminated in colors that  parallel the morning-to-night motif of the show. The content is created using traditional cinematography techniques combined  with unique digital and practical effects.

The ongoing installation features twelve, 20,000-lumen, Epson projectors,  which are mounted on the roof of the James and Tarkington buildings, adjacent  to the Palladium. State-of-the-art weather-proof enclosures ensure that the  projectors always operate at peak performance.  Carmel and the CRC are excited to present this installation with Blockhouse  Studios, a large-scale digital installation production company that specializes in  creating unique breathtaking experiences.